Add Your Lyrics

Verify and distribute lyrics on Spotify, Instagram, Apple, and more, plus create quick and affordable lyric videos for social networks.

On Musixmatch Pro you can :

Transcribe Sync, and distribute your song lyrics

Distribute your synchronized lyrics to Spotify, Instagram, Apple, Tidal, Amazon Music, Facebook, Google and more, in one platform 

Create unique, customizable, hi-quality lyric videos to streamline your content creation and engage your fans

Save time and have our expert curators transcribe and sync your lyrics, leaving you to focus on your creativity

Drive discovery and reach fans globally by translating your songs in different languages

Get recognized and claim your songwriting and performance credits

Get 20% off Musixmatch Pro

Distribute your lyrics everywhere

Distribute your verified lyrics on leading online music platforms such as Spotify, Apple, Tidal, and Amazon Music, as well as Instagram, Facebook, and Google.

Create and customize Lyric Videos

Choose among many templates to create 30" lyric videos to share your lyric videos on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.

Get your full lyric video on Youtube

Choose your song and Musixmatch will do the rest. Within seconds, you'll have a preview of your lyric video with your lyrics seamlessly synchronized and ready to be shared on YouTube as a full-length lyric video.

Why Musixmatch Pro?

With Musixmatch, you’ll have the ability to verify, edit, synchronize, and make sure that your lyrics are accurate. And if a community member on Musixmatch has already posted your lyrics, all you need to do is check them and confirm that they’re correct. These verified lyrics will be displayed as your official lyrics, and no one will be able to make any changes to them once they’re up.

Musixmatch will send your lyrics to music platforms, and your verified lyrics will immediately appear in Musixmatch’s catalog and Google’s search results. 

To learn more, read our article on "How to Distribute Your Lyrics" here.


Have additional questions? Check out Musixmatch's FAQs page here. Get 20% off Musixmatch Pro!