Rec Philly Quarantine Checkin
REC Philly: Quarantine Checkin
Based in Philadelphia, the co-working space REC Philly has become a second home to a variety of creators. From singers to photographers, this 10,000 square foot space offers equipment, location and opportunities for all members.
Amuse, amuse
We chatted to Will Toms, Chief Creative Officer of REC, and Dave Silver, Chief Executive Officer of REC to see how they've been holding up in these unprecedented times:
A. Introduce yourselves!
RP: I'm Will Toms, Chief Creative Officer of REC, and this is Dave Silver, Chief Executive Officer of REC. We are the co-founders of REC who help lead the charge with the help of our incredible team.
A: How has your company had to adapt because of corona times?
RP: We operate a physical space with 14 private studios, a coworking space, Live Nation event space, retail store and more. Once the government ordered that all "non-essential" businesses close their doors, we had to find a way to be valuable to our community members digitally. It felt like shifting an entire business model, overnight.
A: What advice do you have for creatives/artists?
RP: Just like we learned, it's extremely important to have a digital presence that matches or exceeds the value you offer in the live space. Any business whose revenues are mostly earned in the live events space or through in person services, will be vulnerable in times like these. We're encouraging our creators to tighten up their digital presence and get those digital services, physical products and digital products launched in an effort to keep revenue flowing. Your value proposition is bigger than just your music, photos or whatever your core offering is. Understand what your community truly needs from you and offer that digitally as best you can.
A: What album/track has been getting you through these times?
RP: Philly's own Orion Sun with her new album 'Hold Space For Me'. Great moody vibes for this rollercoaster of a time we're in.
A: Any exciting new projects on the way?RP: We're cooking up something special under the code name "REC TV".
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